Hotel Leonardo Family Hotel

If for adults a stay, a dinner or afternoon spent at Leonardo is a great occasion for relaxation and wellness in the mountains, for children the green spaces and the woods, with all the magic load of a wild and rich animal of unknown , Represent a stimulating and entertaining educational gym.
That is why Leonardo has been armed with great and little attentions to respond adequately to their expectations and needs. And if we talk about "gym" then it should be pointed out that this is a very large gym, fenced and open only at the avenue of access. A green gym where you can run at will, devote yourself to the attractions in the play area or swim in the pool corner of a child.
In the restaurant we find only fresh and fresh raw materials, coming from the farm owned by the Fabbri family. The menu is customizable, the kitchen staff is ready to prepare on past time vegetables, vegetable broths or meat, white and tomato pasta and pasta.
In the rooms, on request, camping cradles and anti falls can be obtained on request.

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